What's The Fan Zone All About? |
What is TourOfMissouriFanZone.com and how can you use it?
The Tour of Missouri Fan Zone site is a community site for anyone and everyone who's interested in what's going on at the tour - not just the results of the day's racing, but behind the scenes, in the expos, in the communities, and all around this exciting, world-class event.
TourOfMissouriFanZone.com is designed to let fans share their experiences by viewing and posting videos (you can even share videos you've posted other places, like YouTube), sharing photos, joining groups with common interests, and discussing all the things that go on during this amazing week in the forums. It's completely free and easy to join to start sharing your experiences with the world and making new friends.
So join us over on the Fan Zone (registration only takes about 30 seconds!) and see where all the fun is!